# AO Snake

* https://ao-snake.rwa-wallet.com

* https://x.com/HelloRWA/status/1836053461714289148

* share to social media can get $SNAKE reward: use zealy

* win to get $SNAKE reward

* pay USDC to get $SNAKE (todo)

* leader board, top 10 get $SNAKE

## ArConnect Integration

* Install and set up ArConnect in the Vue project

* Implement wallet connection functionality

* Add wallet address display in the UI

* Integrate ArConnect for $SNAKE token transactions

* Implement USDC to $SNAKE conversion using ArConnect

* Add error handling for wallet connection and transactions

* Test ArConnect integration across different scenarios

## Game logic

* The first 5 times play do not need $SNAKE coin

* check if the user has played 3 times before from AO Snake game

* if yes, then require wallet to have at least 1 $SNAKE coin to start a new game

## Next

* deploy $SNAKE token lua

* deploy game lua

* integrate game with arconnect

* test arconnect integration

* test game logic

* test $SNAKE token integration

* test leader board

* test USDC to $SNAKE conversion

* test $SNAKE reward for winning

Published 2 days ago

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